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Yuan, L. L. and A. I. Pollard. 2015a. Classifying lakes to quantify relationships between epilimnetic chlorophyll a and hypoxia. Environmental Management 55: 578–587.

Yuan, L., and A. Pollard. 2015b. Deriving nutrient targets to prevent excessive cyanobacterial densities in U.S. lakes and reservoirs. Freshwater Biology 60(9):1901–1916.

Zipper, C.E., E.F. Benfield, T.A. Dillaha III, T.J. Grizzard, Jr., H.I. Kator, W-S, Lung, J.J. Ney, L.A. Shabman, E.P. Smith, L.A. Smock, J.L. Walker, E.R. Yagow, and T. Younos. 2004. Report of the Academic Advisory Committee to Virginia Department of Environmental Quality – Freshwater Nutrient Criteria. Prepared for Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Accessed October 2016.

Additional Resources

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Mechanistic Modeling

Biggs, B.J.F. 2000. Eutrophication of streams and rivers: Dissolved nutrient-chlorophyll relationships for benthic algae. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19(1):17–31.

Reckhow, K.H. 1994. Water quality simulation modeling and uncertainty analysis for risk assessment and decision making. Ecological Modelling 72(1-2):1–20.

Reckhow, K.H. 2003. On the need for uncertainty assessment in TMDL modeling and implementation. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 129(4):245–246.

Reckhow, K.H., G.B. Arhonditsis, M.A. Kenney, L. Hauser, J. Tribo, C. Wu, K.J. Elcock, L.J. Steinberg, C.A. Stow, and S.J. McBride. 2005. A predictive approach to nutrient criteria. Environmental Science and Technology 39(9):2913–2919.

Reckhow, K.H., and S.C. Chapra. 1983. Confirmation of water quality models. Ecological Modelling 20(2-3):113–133.

Stevens Institute of Technology. No date. Environmental Hydrodynamics. Accessed November 2016.

USACE. 1995. CE-QUAL-R1: A Numerical One-Dimensional Model of Reservoir Water Quality: User’s Manual. Instruction Report E-82-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington DC. Accessed November 2016.

Combined Criteria

USEPA. 2013a. Expert Workshop: Nutrient Enrichment Indicators in Streams. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed December 2017.

USEPA. 2013b. Guiding Principles for Integrated Nutrient Criteria (Biocriteria). Accessed December 2017.

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